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Winter season 2016/2017
December 16, 2016 to Easter mondat April 17, 2017

The following booking conditions apply: Minimum lenght of stay: 3 night. Arrival and departure: daily

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The Ultimate Guide to Ski-Touring

It’s usually easier to get down a slope than ski up, however today I’m giving ski-touring a try, a discipline that enables skiers to climb the mountain using specially adapted equipment. At 7am, I join Thomas, our ski-touring guide, and a group of thrilled skiers excited to try ski-touring for the first time.
At 7am, I join Thomas, our ski-touring guide, and a group of thrilled skiers excited to try ski-touring for the first time. Questions start popping out of my mouth – Is it hard? Am I dressed correctly? How do I clip my skis on? Thomas chuckles and reassures me ‘It’s going to be alright’…

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